Canada Photo Convention Recap
It's been well over a month since I've come back from my yearly business conference, I wanted to come back home and just focus in on what was important but it's taken me some time to digest everything from Canada Photo Convention in Vancouver. The week was crazy inspiring and I do find it hard not to come back and let all those teachable moments slip through my fingers and not implement them. Here is my little re-cap, the coles notes version to remind myself of what I thought was really important to push myself through this next year!
Sam Hurds : Find a photographer & don't do what they are doing, be yourself! Get creative, play, play, play use your imagination! Look at the light! Have fun!
Geoff Duncan: Don't seek everyone's approval, stand out, be yourself.
Benj Haish (sigh).. the King of Kindness! Putting yourself out there, be yourself, Talk about what's important to you (learning to do this... it's hard to tear down those walls). .. my own fear, is that being real has lead to being hurt. (it's a toughie).. but i'm trying!
Alora Marie (my daughter) getting a little insight into Benj's instagram wisdom + photo op!!!
Oli Sansom!!! What worries block us from excelling? With this privilege (as a photographer), how am I using my talents? what am I doing with it? Worry = Energy Wasted!
Heather Jowett, pulled no punches and gave it straight up like a shot of Buckley's! It was medicine worth taking! Internet advice is the death, like youtube comments.. it's best avoided.. seek counsel from reliable business relationships.. another key, go above and beyond, be empathic in your client relationships but don't be walked on.. seek counsel when needed!
Amanda Schwinghammer: Inspiration should remain as inspiration not become comparison, this is what will bog you down and rob you of your joy! Comparison leads to shame and and inspiration leads to tell you anything is possible. Stay INSPIRED!
Jasser: Stop the crap talk, be committed to your business! Don't talk smack! Every day refocus on what it is you see important to grow your business as a creative! Push yourself!
Caroline Ghetes! I basically sniffled through her talk, there was plenty of emotion and zero notes! I literally sat there in tears as she spoke ( I think there were a few of us in the row, sniffling away). Caroline you taught me to conquer, to have a support system and not only that but to put myself out there! Be BRAVE!
Andy Gaines! That every client is the perfect client, use your observation skills to create your vision. Observe relationships, people and document what you see! Make people feel special, that will not be forgotten! and Wait the scene out, work the image, make the craft better! Don't CHIMP!
Ed Peers!! Expand your reach, travel, explore. Embrace Humanity, connection and Community! Find Balance between Home/Work/Travel/Life/ Don't be afraid of critique, it'll push you further!
Tim King! Be Fearless! Stay inspired!
As a solo-preneur it's daily reminders to refocus and connect with our initial vision. Events like CPC is what keeps pushing me towards my goal. I have this vision of what I want to do with my photography, who I want to reach and where I want to go. Now, is the time to be pushed forward and excel!