Behind The Office Door, A Look At My Work Space
A year ago I was renting office space in Sherwood Park, it was a cozy 110 square feet, and I loved working out of there.. However, some of the drawbacks were that I did have to pay about $400 a month just for my lease.. plus additional insurance for the space, internet.. etc. They were all extra costs, the price incurred for doing business.. but it was worth it so I didn't have to lug along albums, canvasses or print orders to meet clients in local coffee shops.
When we were looking at building a new house, it was really important for me to have a dedicated home office and having a fourth bedroom is where my business now resides. No longer having to drive back and forth or be away from the family for extended periods of time, I can wake up, edit, blog and pop back down into the kitchen and work on supper when I come up for air. I still try and maintain regular work hours but it's definitely a nice convenience not having to dash to the office to fulfill client orders. Our new home in Windermere has been the perfect work at home arrangement.
Pictured above is my "oh Monday" pencil case from Chapters that holds all my coloured pens for my Kate Spade Scheduler.. (one of the best planners around!) and just above that is my Blu-Light from Phillips to give me my energy boost in the winter months..much needed when our days are so short here in Alberta.
My bookshelf contains my extensive camera collection, and hanging from the closet doors is my Minolta 7s rangefinder. Above my desk on the little white shelf (pictured below), a clipboard with current client listings and workflow tasks that need to be done for the week.
On my desk I keep my scheduler, my flowers (hoping my black-thumb) doesn't kill these pretties.. The art work above my shelf is from the very talented Sylvia Soo featuring "le chat", a gift from my daughter purchased at our local Art Walk on Whyte Avenue in the summer.
I hope you've enjoyed the little tour of my office.. if you work at home in the Edmonton Area and would like to be featured, please comment below or reach me through the contact page to showcase your office space on the blog.